
My Rhino-Trophy-Head brings all the boys to the yard...

I was going to take the plunge and buy it today - but it is sold out!!  I'm so sad.  I totally know one of you bought it - show yourself!  Or don't.  However, One King's Lane has "The Winter Lodge" sale today, which is of course rife with trophy heads.  Ideally, I'd like a real one (and nobody give me any of that "hunting is murder" crap, I'm guessing you've never done it, and if you truly did, you would know that it isn't like that), but I feel like a fakey will do fine in the interim.

Anyway, onto other important things.  Like how I made a total garbage salad today (everything fresh in the fridge went in here) and it's not pretty.  Actually, it stinks (not literally, it just doesn't taste good) and I almost want to call Husband to warn him to go get a good salad - or whatever he wants, because this one will ruin his day.  It has already ruined mine... dah duuuuuuh....

So, now that I've forgiven you for totally copying me and stealing my rhinocerous head (I would have named him Timothy, HOW could you have done that to Timothy??  Kidding.  I wouldn't have named him.  I would have let Bink do it, because she insists everything has a name, and it can't be a cop-out name, like "apple-y", it has to be a legit name and you have to remember what it is or else she will destroy you.), let's discuss important things.  Um... like...

I'll have to get back to you. :)

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